Koto City Police Database

Name: Trusted Dev

Organization: Trusted-Racing

Rap Sheet

Money laundering, illegal street racing, illegal vehicle imports, disrupting the peace, stealing personal property, car boosting, speeding on roadway, evading arrest, resisting arrest, battery on a police officer, vandalism, underage drinking, use of illegal narcotics and drug trafficking, danger to roadway, hit and run, stealing 4 billion dollars, illegal gambling.

Suspected Cars To Drive

Gray 1999 Nissan Skyline GTR
Black 1989 Nissan 180SX
2nd Black 1989 Nissan 180SX (modified)


Last Seen

Running from police enforcement after cops were called following an illegal racing meet-up at Tatsumi PA. Current location unknown.

Bounty: ¥2,000,000,000,000
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